ASP .NET Core Features

Exploring the Features of ASP .NET Core Framework

Sujani Thuthilochana


In 2022, 34.55% of developers worldwide utilized the.NET framework for development. It is the most often used framework and remains the most relevant for enterprise application development. When .NET gained in popularity, so did ASP.NET, and ASP.NET Core development services.

ASP.NET Core is extensively used to create customized enterprise applications, and this is bringing in a new era of enterprise web app development. With ongoing enhancements to its features, an ASP.NET developer’s life has been easier, and businesses’ web presence has become far more profitable.

Most used libraries and frameworks among developers, worldwide, as of 2022 (

ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, free and open-source framework for developing modern web applications. It is intended to be fast, scalable, and adaptable, and it can be used to build both web and cloud applications.

ASP.NET Core allows C# application development and interfaces with major front-end frameworks like Angular and React.


The root of ASP.NET Core

The origins of ASP.NET Core may be traced back to the 2002 introduction of the.NET Framework.

ASP.NET Core is the most recent and up-to-date version of the ASP.NET framework, having been published in 2016. ASP.NET Core’s foundation is its ability to enable developers to create high-performance web apps that can operate on a variety of operating systems and platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. Because of its versatility and adaptability, ASP.NET Core has become a popular choice for many developers and companies all around the world.


Features/Benefits of Asp.Net Core

High Performance:

Asp.Net Core is optimized for performance and scalability, making it excellent for developing big and complex applications.

Cross-platform support:

Asp.Net Core works on Windows, Linux, and Mac, allowing developers to use it on any platform.

Open source:

Asp.Net Core is open source and has a big and active developer community, making it simple to access help and support when you need it.

Modular design:

Because Asp.Net Core is modular, it is simple to add or remove functionality as needed and adjust the framework to the unique demands of your project.

Integration with other technologies:

Asp.Net Core connects with a wide range of other technologies, including popular front-end frameworks like Angular and React, making full-stack apps simple to construct.

Improved security:

Asp.Net Core comes with a variety of security capabilities out of the box, such as cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery protection, making it easy to safeguard your applications.

Cloud-friendly architecture:

Asp.Net Core is geared for cloud deployment and includes support for containers, Kubernetes, and Azure.

Built-in support for current web development techniques:

Asp.Net Core includes built-in support for modern web development techniques such as MVC architecture, Razor Pages, and Entity Framework Core.

Quick development time:

Asp.Net Core was created to streamline the development process, allowing developers to build applications fast and efficiently.

Best Features in Asp.Net Core

  1. Multi-layered environment

Within ASP.NET Core, there is an exciting environment feature that will distinguish between distinct behaviours found in environments. It could be staging, development testing, production, or something else. There was no way to do this before the Core introduction.

For example, when the application is in the development environment, it may behave differently from when it is in the production environment. This makes testing and debugging the program easier during development and ensures that the proper configuration is utilized in production. The environment can be changed using a variety of methods, including environment variables and the command line. ASP.NET Core makes it easier to deploy and maintain applications in a number of contexts by allowing you to swap between environments.

The Startup.cs file is used to set up our application to run in a variety of contexts.

Additionally, Asp.Net Core allows for easy third-party middleware integration, giving you access to a vast ecosystem of tools and libraries to further enhance the functionality of your application.

2. Combination of Web API and MVC frameworks

ASP.NET Core includes both the Web API and MVC frameworks, allowing for a more streamlined and efficient web development experience. Before ASP.NET Core, these frameworks were separate and had differences in their architecture and functionality. By combining them, ASP.NET Core provides a unified framework for building web applications with a variety of needs.

Additionally, ASP.NET Core also includes the Razor Pages feature, which provides a more organized approach to code and view organization.

3. Dependency Injection

Dependency injection (DI) can add uniqueness to ASP.NET Core.

Dependency Injection is a design pattern that provides a way to manage object dependencies and to decouple the application code. By using dependency injection in ASP.NET Core, you can improve the design of your code, increase its testability and maintainability, and make it easier to add new features.

With DI, you can build a loosely-coupled architecture, where components can work together without relying on each other directly. This makes it easier to replace components, test them in isolation, and improve the overall quality of the code.

In ASP.NET Core, the DI system is built on the IServiceCollection interface and the Startup.ConfigureServices method. This method is invoked when an application starts, and we can use it to register the services required for our application to execute. After registering these services, we can use them in controllers and other parts of the program that require them.

Linkage of MVC to Asp.Net Core

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern is a popular design pattern used in web application development, and it’s often used in conjunction with ASP.NET Core.

In ASP.NET Core, the MVC pattern is implemented through the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc NuGet package.

ASP.NET Core MVC is a popular framework for building web applications. It is built on top of .NET Core and provides a flexible and efficient way to build web applications using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. In MVC, the model represents the data, the view is responsible for displaying the data, and the controller handles user interactions and updates the model and view as needed.

ASP.NET Core MVC provides built-in support for routing, model binding, and action results, view components and makes it easy to create custom components and extensions. It is an open-source, cross-platform framework that can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

ASP.NET Core additionally includes three project styles for users:

  • MVC
  • Razor Pages
  • Blazor
Types of Web Apps in Asp.NET Core

MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a design pattern that provides a structured approach to building web applications. In ASP.NET Core, the MVC framework provides a way to build scalable, testable, and maintainable applications that separate concerns into models, views, and controllers.

Razor Pages is a page-based programming model for building web applications that follow the conventions of Razor and make it easy to build simple, dynamic, and interactive pages. Razor Pages use a simple and expressive syntax for writing code and are ideal for building small and simple web applications.

Blazor is a framework for building interactive client-side web applications using C# and .NET. Blazor allows developers to build web applications using their existing .NET skills and without requiring JavaScript. It uses WebAssembly, a browser technology that enables running .NET code in the browser, to provide a rich and interactive user experience.

Each of these frameworks has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the right choice depends on the requirements of the application you are building.

For example, MVC is a good choice for building complex and scalable web applications, while Razor Pages is ideal for building simple and dynamic web pages. Blazor is suitable for building interactive client-side web applications.

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